30 Colonnade Rd, Unit 228, Ottawa ON, K2E 7J6 | Phone: (613) 230-1022

Our Services

We show you the big picture.

By generating easy-to-understand financial statements along with a Business Performance Review that includes a graphic analysis of the key financial indicators, we provide you with the data and explanations to facilitate your financial planning. Our detailed advice and results-oriented approach help to identify upcoming roadblocks and assess potential detours. We also provide quarterly reviews to help keep you on target for the year.


Although the services described for planning and evolution are catered to profit organizations, many of the concepts are equally applicable to a non-profit entities. Assistance is available in planning for future cash flow and funding as well as appropriate budgeting for future expenditures. All this intended to ensure the longevity of the organization so that it may fulfil its mandate in the most efficient and effective manner.

To find out more, simply call for a free initial consultation.